Saturday, March 15, 2008

a full internal conflict

i want to spend my life learning and helping people.  i'm drawn to teaching.  but i'm having a major dilemma as to where and in what capacity i should teach. public/private, classroom teacher/visiting artist, museum educator???

so many choices.  could i spend grad school money better somewhere?

and what about my art making...

and also there's this force pulling me to live in a rural area. live on the land! grow my own food.  farm farm farm. wake up at dawn, in bed at 9.  could that even work?

at home today in oklahoma on OETA (the local PBS channel) i heard a line from the "oklahome theme song -  "you know we belong to the land..." it struck a chord.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Great Blog!

This is Mauricio from Flamingo and I had a Question:

You talk about wanting to be close to the land and that you have been moved by music that talks about it. What about the land, farming and the rural world appeals to you? whats different there than in your current environment?
